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What does manufacturer of temperature controller of temperature control switch of pottery and porcelain have how to repair the water heater that does not heat correctly
Publisher:admin Add time:2018/12/5 Viewed:1158
Temperature controller
If the water heater switches between hot and cold, there may be a problem controlling the thermostat. The water heater has two thermostats, a top and a bottom. Fluctuations between hot and cold temperatures indicate that only the upper water heater circuit is working. The thermostat powers the upper element and transfers power to the lower element once the desired temperature is reached in the water at the top of the tank. If the upper thermostat fails to feed the lower thermostat, the water will not be heated to the bottom of the tank. To repair the water heater, you must identify the thermostat that caused the problem. Turn off the water heater, turn on the hot water faucet, and wait for the temperature to drop to a safe level. Remove the lower access cover from the side of the tank, push the cover away and remove the wires that connect to the lower thermostat. Use a multimeter to test the continuity of the thermostat. Set the meter to R1 ohm and measure the terminal of the thermostat. The lack of continuity means that the thermostat does not work and should be replaced. To replace it, lift the spring mounting bracket and secure the new mounting bracket in place, making sure it is firmly against the side of the tank. If the thermostat appears to be in order, use a multimeter to check the continuity of the lower components. If it works, test the upper thermostat. To do this test, the water must be hot enough for the upper thermostat to direct power to the lower thermostat, which means the water heater must have enough power to heat the water. When this occurs, close it and remove the upper access cover to access the thermostat as if using the lower cover. Remove wires from terminals L1 and T4. Check the continuity between the terminals as long as the water is at the desired temperature. If there is no continuity, that means the upper thermostat needs to be replaced. For gas water heaters, the gas valve controls the temperature. The valve assembly has a dial for regulating temperature. If the water temperature fluctuates but the indicator light is on, the air valve assembly may fail. This repair needs to be done by qualified technicians.

Heating element

If the hot water temperature varies between unpredictable hot and cold, it may be necessary to test the lower water heater element. On a home water heater, there is a top and bottom thermostat that transfers power to the bottom when the water at the top of the tank reaches the correct temperature. If the lower component does not work, the water temperature will fluctuate. To test components, turn off the power to the heater and remove the lower access cover. Push aside the insulation layer and disconnect the wire from the heating element. Test continuity with a multimeter set to R 1. It should have a continuity of 10 to 20 ohms between the two terminals. If the element has continuity, check the continuity of the thermostat. If not, the thermostat needs to be replaced. The fuel tank needs to be emptied in order to replace the component. To empty the tank, close the fill valve, connect the hose to the drain valve, open the drain valve and the hot water faucet, and wait for the water to fall below the heater element. Remove the element using a socket or element wrench and ensure that the new washer is in place when tightening the new element. Connect wire to component terminal and close drain valve before refilling tank. Be aware of leaks before restarting the power supply.

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